Friday, January 9, 2009

New: Lil' Lydz!!

Lydz Card Studio is now offering Lil' Lydz - mini cards perfect to attach to smaller gifts, chocolates, flower bouquets, or whatever you like! And true to Lydz Card Studio, no two are alike! Pick yours up today!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Star Wars Card

Here's an order I recently finished for a Star Wars fan. He requested the scene of Skywalker in the desert with the two suns. The image was drawn entirely in pencil.

Poll Fun!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

Thanks to Blogger, I've added a poll to the right side of my page, and so I thought that it'd be nice to have a poll going on my site every so often as a way to get some feedback and also some ideas as to what Lydz Card Studio can do in the future. So please vote, your response would be great, thanks!!